Bingo! Thanks a million. It's been so long since I set up the old system that I must have forgotten that *minor* detail. It sure would be nice if the term "jvmRoute" appeared somewhere in the JK docs.

At 05:00 PM 10/9/2003, you wrote:
It's my understanding that the jvmRoute values must match the
worker names in order for mod_jk to know where to route the

In this case, the values should be "live2" and "live3".

G. Wade

Ned Regina wrote:

The jvmRoute attributes are set to tc1 and tc2 respectively. The jvmRoute suffix on the JSESSIONID cookie alternates between the two servers when reloading. There's no authentication on the page.

At 03:49 PM 10/9/2003, you wrote:

Just as a quick check of the obvious.

You do have jvmRoute set correctly on the <Engine/>s for each
Tomcat server, don't you?

You aren't using BASIC authentication by any chance are you?

G. Wade

Ned Regina wrote:

I'm trying to load balance multiple Tomcat 4.1.27 servers behind Apache 1.3.28 using jk(1) on RedHat 9. It appears that the sessions are not being maintained when more than one Tomcat server is running. A quick test page which prints application, session, request, and cookie information shows a new JSESSIONID cookie every time the page loads as well as alternating "Real Path" values (for each Tomcat server instance). I've had the same configuration working perfectly for nearly a year using Tomcat 4.0.X, Apache 1.3.x, and RedHat 7.2 running on three separate servers (one apache+mod_jk+tomcat, the others just tomcat).
Initially, I had set up a multiple server system with the new software when I noticed this problem. To simplify, I've set up a test environment on one server with tomcat instance 1 running on ports 8005,8009,8443,and 8080 and tomcat instance 2 running on ports 9005,9009,9443, and 9080. I'm using the default server.xml for each with the ROOT context statement un-commented and the ports changed as above. This is what my looks like (although it's gone through a great many permutations in the debug process).
# In Unix, we use forward slashes:
# list the workers by name

# --------------------------------------
# Load Balance remote tomcat server test
# --------------------------------------
This has been a very frustrating problem since it was something that worked quite well until now. I'm going to keep removing layers (going back to RH7.x, then TC4.0X, etc.), but if anybody has any information about this, it would be a great help. Thanks.
-Ned Regina

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