Its probably the java compiler. If your constant is declared final, the compiler may be performing an optimization and taking the value insteadof a run-time reference. You can get around this by not using a constant and using a get method.


Mufaddal Khumri wrote:


Am running my webapp under tomcat 4.1.18. Everything was fine till yesterday. I am facing this issue today. I wrote a new taglib - nextPrevLink for a jsp page called PotatoList.jsp.

<cw:nextPrevLink listSize='<%= getTotalNumberOfPotatoes()%>'

Now when i change the value of the Constants.POTATO_LIST_DISPLAY_SIZE in the and "reload" my webapp thru the tomcat manager and go to PotatoList.jsp the taglib takes the old value of displaySize (I have a system.out.println("") .. inside the class that implements the taglib).

Now if i change the PotatoList.jsp and "save it again" ... tomcat recompiles PotatoList.jsp when it comes across it. This time the taglib nextPrevLink takes the correct new value of Constants. POTATO_LIST_DISPLAY_SIZE.

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