I have a number of apps sitting behind apache+mod_jk. Some want apache+mod_jk to manage authN and so require request.tomcatAuthentication=false in jk2.properties and others what to manage authentication themselves with request.tomcatAuthentication=true. Unfortunately the behaviour appears to be mutually exclusive with one set of apps broken regardless. Eithe the app returns a 403 because apache did the authn, or the app sees null in request.getRemoteUser();

Does anyone know if its possible to set 2 Coyote/JK2 connectors up on the same tomcat instance with different properties ? jk2.properties appears to be hard coded in JkMain.

Does anyone know how to use the LOCALNAME feature in the javadoc for JkMain (jk2.properties) ?


but I cant see how to map that to a port for a mod_jk end to attach to ?


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