Yes, the developer_id is the owner of the Tomcat directory.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Gibby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:10 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: UNIX+Apache+Tomcat Situtation

What do you mean the developer owns Tomcat 3? His permissions are the 
owner of the tomcat directory or what?

Daniel Gibby


>I have a situation where if a developer owns Tomcat 3 and stops/starts
>server the apps on that server all j2ee web-apps run fine. If I as root or
>'tomcat_user' or su to developer id stop/start Tomcat 3 then all j2ee
>web-apps run except modules that produce .jpegs dynamically. In the latter
>case Tomcat was setup so that the user who stop/started Tomcat owned all
>My first response was to make all files/directories world
>read,write,execute. It must be a UNIX permission thing right. Also I
>and source'd the UNIX personal env of each user to be world
>read,write,execute on any directories/files created but still no
>the graphs are not displayed. The graph libs are using JFreechart, btw. 
>This is a long running issue and I would appreciate any help as I am not
>sure if this is a UNIX or Tomcat or JFreechart issue. Any suggestions? Why
>would I not be able to remotely log into box, su - to developer id and
>stop/start Tomcat with all apps functioning? Also, developer's personal
>acct is basic stock settings with no extra frills.
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