ContextInterceptor belonged to the old Tomcat 3.x
You would use Valves, although, I doubt Valves will let you load additional
stuff to the classloader


----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie christiana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 8:28 PM
Subject: [NEWBIE] Using LoaderInterceptor11 with tomcat 4.1.24


Can anyone lend me pointers on how to use LoaderInterceptor11 with tomcat
4.1.24 ?

We want to use this to load classsed from jar, zip files during runtime ?

In the server.xml we have the following configuration :

        useApplicationLoader="true" additionalJars="xxx.jar"/>

Now, if we need to access a particular class from this jar, we would
implement a classloader which would be accessed by the JSPs .

Is my understanding correct ? Any other configuration required for the same

Please lend me any pointers on how to implement a classLoader to access a
class file. I was unable to find the same in tomcat documentation.

Any help on this is appreciated.

Julie Chritiana

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