Hi, you out there,
I'm looking for help in setting an Apache/Tomcat configuration.
Apache: 2.0.48
Tomcat (server and connector): 4.1.29
RedHAT: 9.

I've been trying to follow a number of how tos, using the REDHAT
installed version of apache, building up my own version. Everything seems to be OK:
I'm able to see tomcat through Apache but this is only for a couple of
JSPs (just testing with the examples). In fact after a few clicks everything seems to 
be freezing 
and if I put 'debug' on the mod_jk.so i can notice an endless list of messages
like: jk_ajp_common.c (774): sending to ajp #.....

When is that way I stop the browser and retry after a few seconds. SOmetimes it does
other times with no avail.
Is there anybody who can shed some light on this? I'd really, really appreciate.

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