
thanks for your comprehensive response !
See more comments down ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: memory-leaks in servlets, tool for tracing ?

> Grisi,
> > our TC-based webapplication performs well but the java-processes
> > concerned are showing increasing memory usage over time. For tracing
> > we already stripped the app down to the very basic to get a clue.
> > Wasn't successful enough.
> Have you looked at the memory over a long time, including several large
> GCs? I've had to do this in the past, and it's no fun without a
> profiler.

No, it isn't indeed. I've been checking LINUX' 'top' over a period of time.
A mem-hole is apparent. Unfortunately our app makes use of a
JNI-Module (C) which makes it even more difficult because the C-code also
in the Java-context.

Unfortunately, profiling tools can get expensive. Anyone know
> of any decent OSS ones out there?

'JProbe' and 'OptimizeIt!' are really no bargains !
> When I've done this sans profiler in the past, I did two things:
> 1. Turn on verbose GC for the VM (dumps GC stats to stdout)
> 2. Write a program to parse the GC lines and graph them over time
> We got a curve that looked like this:
> ____________________________  <- max memory
>                      /\     /
> used memory-/\     /  \___/
>      /\     /  \___/
>     /  \___/
> --/                         ^ OutOfMemoryError
> This indicated that we were really screwing up somewhere.
> Had the curve looked like this, we would be happy:
> ____________________________ <- max memory
>       /\       /\       /\
>      /  \     /  \     /  \
>     /    \   /    \   /    \
>    /      \_/      \_/      \
> _/
> ... or even with high-frequency perturbations in there (usually from
> minor GCs happening periodically).
> It often helps to set the initial heap size and the maximum heap size to
> the same value (usually something like 256MB, 512MB, or 1024MB). Just
> remember that the higher it is, the longer you'll have to wait for a
> full GC.
> GCs don't always free everything they can. If they did, they'd take
> forever. It's only when the VM gets near its maximum heap size that the
> GC panics and goes on a collection rampage.
> If you ever get an OutOfMemoryError, go and get a thread-dump. On UNIX,
> you can sent the VM a STOP signal using kill or by pressing CTRL-\ if
> the VM is running in a terminal.

Good idea, I also achieved this by narrowing available mem on the machine
until java
gave up quitting with an 'out-of-mem' err.
The problem is that the dump written only contains the hex-adresses of the
modules being involved.
No possibilty to trace those adressesdown  to the functions or even modules
Even more difficult: the root cause given by this dump is not the
function(s)/method(s) causing the
memory problems.

> You'll get lots of good information including the number of threads and
> where they are. You might find that there are threads there that you
> thought had terminated long ago. Old active threads are always a source
> of tied-up memory.
> > Does anybody's got experience with a profiling toolkit which she/he
> > can suggest ?

There is a tool provided by SUN itself called 'HAT' (HeapAnalyzingTool)
but this seems to be only applicable to java programs, not servlets.
With Tomcat there were errors. May be in different cases this would help.

> I have some experience with Borland's OptimizeIt, and I've even recently
> installed it on Linux and run Tomcat 4.1 through it. I was able to
> determine something about the VM and Tomcat that might help you. I
> thought I had a memory leak, too.

In our case it was helpful to operate java with the -Xincgc option that
causes the
GC to collect smaller amounts of mem; but does this more often. It gives a
accurate impression in the current memory status.

What we did is the following:
- separate the JNI-module and write a little main()-frame around it to run
it alone.
- compile this with the 'dmalloc'-library to identify mem not being free'd
- running the Servlet in one scenario (without JNI) and examine the few
methods being touched.
- rewrite java-code being in question.
- test it on mem-behavior.
- iterate with the next scenario etc.

Could be more satisfying, this kind of work, but it should be

> It turns out that when you recompile your servlets and Tomcat does an
> auto-reload (I have it configured that way), a new ClassLoader gets
> installed to hold the classes loaded for the new context. However, the
> classes loaded from the old context stick around because the JVM doesn't
> want to discard java.lang.Class objects in case they're useful in the
> future.
> This increases the number of java.lang.Class objects by about 600 every
> time I recompiled. After many compile-deploy-reload cycles, my VM was
> hogging all my memory and lots of CPU. Perhaps this is your problem, too?
> -chris
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