When a client pushes the browsers 'back' button, this page is often read from cache... adding the following line to the HTML head might help:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">





I have a problem with using HttpSession class. When the user login, I create a new session by "request.getSession(true)". When the user logout, the session is removed by "session.invalidate()". In doing this, when the user is trying to go back to the previous page without login, the browser should not show the page because the servlet knows that the session for this user has already been invalidated.

My problem is that In JBuilder, the code works as expected. But in Tomcat, it always failed. The browser can display the previous page when I use "Back" button in the toolbar, or when I type in the URL for the pages that should be displayed only after the user login. Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.


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