Thanks for the feed-back.

Harry Mantheakis
London, UK

> Harry Mantheakis wrote:
>> If you do not mind me asking: why would you need to re-compile Tomcat from
>> source?
> I don't actually 'need' to recompile from source, i'm just a typical
> Debian user (Justin, you hit the nail on the head), but....
> 1. We like the flexibility of 'monkeying' with the source, if we so wish. ;)
> 2. We always know that the current build tree does what its says on the
> tin, all components are present & correct, and that it compiles against
> out current JDK.
> We also compiled JK2(never could find a binary, whats up with
> that?),Apache & friends. No show stoppers here, but seeing we're there
> anyway...... :)
> Regards,
> James.

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