> Hi
> I'm trying to forward from my controller servlet to a jsp or html page.
> This is not very successful at all, and I think this is because the servlet
> for some reason get's called a second time after the forward for some
> reason.
> An example:
> The servlet is invoked by a form-post. It extracts the data of interest and
> calls another page (jsp or html) by usingdispatcher.forward(blah blah).
> This should work, but what I notice is that the doGet() within the servlet
> gets invoked after the forward (which was done from the doPost), and
> the page that was forwarded to never writes it's content to the browser.
> It's just blank.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Regards
> /Ola
> PS
>      Sorry about the mailformat, notes doesn't seem to care about
>      my attempts to get to understand that this should be plain text :(
>                                               DS
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Perhaps you want to check your <servlet-mapping>: Is the servlet itself
mapped to a url-pattern that 
matches the dispatcher destination url ? In that case you would get the
behaviour described. 


Paul Marshall

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