My intention was not to blame anybody for not answering it. I just want to
mention that he answered all other questions. I am not writing more because
I dont know whether it may damage any one else. And sorry for my poor
communication and I am not fluent in English.
    Thanks for answering. I want to know any special component is available
in these testing frameworks. I want open source.

Antony Paul  .

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Hardy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: Testing servlet for thread safety.

> On 12/09/2003 07:16 AM Antony Paul wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     I asked this question as part of another mail but Mr. Tim Funk left
> > unanswered.
> > How to test a servlet for thread safety.
> Antony,
> it might be the case that he didn't have time to answer, you know.
> Nobody on this list is obliged to answer any questions. Attempting to
> 'name and shame' someone into answering your questions is not going to
> make you popular and might backfire on you.
> In answer to your question, the best approach would be check first that
> you are not abusing any singletons, static methods or member variables
> in your servlets.
> Then you should set up tests using one of the testing frameworks
> available that allows you to submit real data and check the results.
> Adam
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