hello folks,

a question on datasource realms and the manager app:

When I installed TC 5.0.16 'out-of-the-box' I could start the manager-app.

Then I deployed our webapp (manually), configured a DataSourceRealm using mysql
for authentification, configured SSL, form based LogIn and ... the webapp works fine.
(The resource name is still "UserDatabase")

But if I now try to use the manager-app I get the error: "403 - access denied" without 
even being prompted.

I've modified "..server\webapps\manager\WEB-INF\web.xml" so that it reads:


and "..server\webapps\manager\manager.xml" that it reads

<ResourceLink name="users" global="UserDatabase"
....no effect.

Even more strange the behaviour of the "admin-app":

The Login-screen appears as usual and login data that complies with the the DataSource 
Realm is being accepted.
Clicking on "dataSource" shows up the 'mysql-jdbc' Installation.
Clicking on 'user database' shows....nothing.
Clicking on 'user roles, groups' etc. results in an error 
"The server encountered an internal error (Error retrieving attribute groups) that 
prevented it from fulfilling this request."
Admin-app uses struts with TagLibs, is there something hardcoded in there ?

Why do the these two applications not recognize the new Realm ?

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