So ..... what your telling me, is that it's a concurrency problem
created by having "object attributes"?  That if they were, in fact being
called more like:

doProcess2 ();

than like:

doProcess1 ();

I wouldn't have these problems? Very interesting.

Not quite. I don't really understand your structue, but it seems it needs some refactoring.

Please write back and ensure that's what you mean ..... because I'm
pretty sure it is.  Oh, fun.  Here I go to change .... some 100K lines
of code :-)

As a rule of thumb, do not let your "req" and "res" leave local scope (do not "store" them anywhere [attribute, static attribute, other object, ...]).

If you need help with the refactoring and I can access your code, I might help on saturday. (Which timezone do you live on?)


Antonio Fiol

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