
I still do not know what is causing this behavior, but I found a workaround in case anyone else stumbles upon this problem:

In my log4j.properties I left the log4j.rootCategory property alone and only set log4j.category.package.name.of.my.classes properties for each package in my webapp to DEBUG.
This way I only get the DEBUG output of my own classes and not ALL debug messages generated by the container.
I still wonder why my log4j.properties in /WEB-INF/classes should reconfigure the container's whole logging mechanism. Either this is a major bug or tomcat4's doing it right was one.

'Till later


Philipp Taprogge wrote:


I have a very disgusting problem here... I am developing a webapp which uses commons-logging and log4j.
All I do is use the commons' Log and LogFactory in my application and place a log4j.properties file in my WEB-INF/classes.
This property file looks like this (w/out the CR in the middle line of course):

log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, warthoglog
    [%-15C{1}] %-5p - %m%n

This works fine, except that I get not only my application's log messages but _ALL_ tomcat debug logging in this file, which firstly slows down my machine (no wonder) and secondly grows the logfile to a few MBs just from startup.
What the heck am I doing wrong here? This setup worked perfectly in the last tomcat4.

Can anyone advice?

Philipp Taprogge

"I love deadlines, I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by"
- Douglas Adams

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