Title: Need help with Virtual Host Directive

I have several Virtual Hosts (IP addresses) running on one Unix Server serviced by Apache 2.0.48

I have defined all of them in both my apache httpd.conf file as well as Tomcats server.xml file.

This works fine.

What I am trying to do now is disallow access from certain virtual hosts to applications under the webapps directory
While still allowing it for others?

Can someone please assist me in the correct syntax to put in the server.xml file to make this happen?

Server Name:             myserver
Virtual Hosts are:       your-server, our-server, their-server

Under the webapps directory there are 3 applications:   app-1, app-2, app-3

I want your-server and our-server to see app-1 and app-3 but not app-2
I want their-server to only see app-2

Any insight would be great.



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