
I am using Apache 2.0.47 and Tomcat 4.1.27 on SuSE 8.0 box on same machine.
I am trying to make use of MOD_JK.SO (jk connector)which I build it from source.
I have 2 different Users to the system "httpd" and "jakarta" with respective directories as /usr/local/httpd and /usr/local/jakarta

/usr/local/httpd has httpd:httpd as owner and group
/usr/local/jakarta has jakarta:jakarta as owner and group

I have following files:
workers.properties   jakarta   jakarta    /usr/local/jakarta/conf/jk/
server.xml               jakarta   jakarta    /usr/local/jakarta/conf/
mod_jk.so               httpd     httpd      /usr/local/httpd/modules/
mod_jk.log              jakarta   jakarta    /usr/local/jakarta/logs

I was wondering if the above files are placed under the correct directories and if there would be any issues as far as RIGHTS/PERMISSIONS are concerned.

EXAMPLE: MOD_JK.LOG is placed under jakarta directory....and so Apache would NOT be able to write (if it needs to)
same thing applies to MOD_JK.SO.

Any realted information on above is appreciated.


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