I'm developing an application that uses servlets and JSP. Currently, it is
using a Model View Controller type setup where everything is going through a
single servlet (I'm not using Struts) which forwards to JSPs that are
located in WEB-INF.

The path to my application is,


But, I have an index.jsp which uses the JSTL <c:redirect> tag to redirect so
that you can access the application using,


1. Is using an index.jsp with a redirect is something that is commonly done
to simplify the URL? Or, is there a better way?
2. If you do use a redirect, what's the easiest way to do this so that if a
query string is provided, it is preserved?
2. Is it still recommended to use "/servlet/" as part of the path for
servlets? Or, do most people not do this anymore?

BTW, I'm using a <c:redirect> and not a <c:forward> because the application
is password protected and I wasn't sure how to protect it if I did a


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