
we recently installed Tomcat 4.1.24 on a SUSE 8.2 Linux machine and are
trying to get to know how to start, stop and reload applications. So
far, Tomcat and the applications seem to be running fine. We have
defined our application to run as the default or ROOT application. In
the Tomcat manager web application we can stop and reload this root
application, but can not start it after having stopped it. 

The following error appears when trying to start the application at path

   FAIL - Application at context path / could not be started

The documentation states "The context path must start with a slash
character, unless you are referencing the ROOT web application -- in
which case the context path must be a zero-length string.", so we tried
replacing the / by ""

This results in a similar error:

  FAIL - No context exists for path ""

How should we represent the zero-length string to start the ROOT

The / is accepted in the stop (http://xx/manager/html/stop?path=/) and
reload (http://xx/manager/html/reload?path=/)commands). We only tried
this in the Manager web application.

Kind regards,

Francis Brouns

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