
I am having similar problems, though not with the same configuration as yours. My config is: RH9, Apache 2.0.48, Tomcat 5.0.16, JK2_2.0.2.

I cannot get the make files to produce the .so's. It's as if libtool is not working.
I am following the instructions to the letter, but still no mod_jk2.so, or jkjni.so.

Any ideas?


Shannon Scott wrote:

I hope everyone is feeling well in the new year.
I recently upgraded a web server from redhat7.2 to the fedora os.  The
apache was upgraded in the process and now we are running Apache/2.0.47.
I have been unable to get a mod_jk or mod_jk2 that will install or
I have tried the src files from the apache site found here:

but I get the following error during the make:
jk_connect.c:99:28: apr_network_io.h: No such file or directory

( all the apr rpms for fedora have been installed ).

Someone suggested trying the rpms at jpackage.org, so I have also tried
all the source and non source rpms from jpackage.org.

Does anyone have mod_jk or mod_jk2 working with tomcat 4.x on the fedora
Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.
Take Care

Fedora Core 1
Apache 2.0.47
Tomcat 4.1.24

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