In theory I should be able to take my webapp (starting with the base
directory that contains the WEB-INF subdirectory) and deploy it using any
"name" I'd like, so I could easily deploy the same webapp with URLs like (using the root context) or
or even etc.

However, JSPs can include files using the "/" root to indicate I'm talking
about a file at the top of the webapp directory and that works fine.  But
images need to include URLs that that aren't processed by tomcat (so it
doesn't know about the webapp's "base" directory), so I have to use names
like "/images/image.gif" or "/app1/images/image.gif" or
"/app2/images/image.gif" depending on where the webapp was actually

While I can use relative paths for such images much of the time, when using
servlets that redirect/forward or whatever, the "current directory" is not
always the same, so you can't just use "images/image.gif" or
"../images/image.gif" to make it work.

How are people coding their JSPs and servlets that return IMG tags so that
the images can always be defined without including the webapp path name?


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