Olve S. Hansen wrote:

I have searched around for a component similar to the server-status mod in Apache httpd, but cannot find anything similar. Does anyone know if such a component exists?

I have just ditched the httpd with forwarding to tomcat via mod_jk2, as we experienced some weird behaviour with apache 2.0.47. In high load situations it took very long time for it to serve static binary files. Tomcat proved much better, but I miss the server-status module.

12.01.2004 13:36 : The manager app will give you status info.


I am aware of that. But it doesn't give me the kind of status info as the server-status info given by httpd.


This I can get a quick view of the server load, as well as what is being accessed...
My question was if someone knows about a similar application of module for tomcat. I would really appreciate it.


-- Olve

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