we are using tomcat 4.1 withjdk1.3, we have folowing clarifications

1) [Full GC 34521K->15504K(38328K), 0.5953540 secs]
[GC 27533K->16335K(38328K), 0.0396336 secs]

is the statements got in catalina.out by adding -server -verbose:gc  in

2) what does the above statements got in catalina.out means, is garbage
collection active. 
When i execute top command on solaris and see the memory it shows  size and
resisdent memory , what is the diference between the two.

3) I see that gc statements are logged to catalina.out but the memory usage
keeps increasing, does it mean there is problem with
garbage collection,

4) can we get more information like how many obejcts created / objects
destroyed during a gc run, what options to pass to get that information

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Mohammed Javid - CTD, Chennai.  
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 2:18 PM
> Subject:      verbose gc
> Hi,
>   When we give verbose:gc in cataline.sh during startup of tomcat where
> does
> the gc information get logged.
>   I am not seeing any information in catalina.out.
> thanks.

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