What does the name of the context file have to be?  The Tomcat 5 deploy
task is automatically looking for "META-INF/context.xml".  Will this
name work?  Or does the file need the same name as the context?

Rob Abernethy
Dynamic Edge, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Shirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:22 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Robert D. Abernethy IV
Subject: RE: Tomcat's Ant Tasks [Install]
Importance: Low

At 12:47 PM 1/22/2004, you wrote:
>Are you using Tomcat 4 or Tomcat 5?  For Tomcat 5, the deploy task
>great.  However, for Tomcat 4, I have found there is no "perfect"
>solution.  The install task for Tomcat 4 is for installing web
>applications found on the same server as Tomcat.  The deploy task for
>Tomcat 4 is for installing web applications to a remote Tomcat server,
>but it does not have a "config" parameter.  Therefore you cannot
>a web application remotely using a context file.

Sure you can. Just put in META-INF and use the deploy task.

>I have found the best method is to copy the WAR file and the context
>file to the same server that Tomcat is running on and then use the
>install task.
><scp file="${web.home}/META-INF/context.xml"
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:${catalina.home}/webapps/${
>         port="${scp.port}"
>         password="${server.password}"
>         trust="true"/>
><scp file="${dist.home}/${app.name}-${app.version}.war"
>todir="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:${catalina.home}/webapps/$
>         port="${scp.port}"
>         password="${server.password}"
>         trust="true"/>
><install url="${manager.url}"
>         username="${manager.username}"
>         password="${manager.password}"
>         path="${app.path}"
>         config="file:${catalina.home}/webapps/${app.name}.xml
>         war="${app.name}.war"/>
>Rob Abernethy
>Dynamic Edge, Inc.

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