Can you post the entire stack trace? This exception usually occurs when a doPrivileged block is missing (when -security). I will try to reproduce the problem since it is a bug in Tomcat.

Do you have the same exception if you don't turn security on? What your servlet is trying to do?


-- Jeanfrancois

Guy Rouillier wrote:

I found this message in the archives from Michael Duffy that is relevant
to my question:

When Tomcat starts, it assumes the CLASSPATH for your
Web app consists of:

(1) The rt.jar, of course,
(2) All the JARs in TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib, which are
visible to all apps,
(3) All the JARs in the TOMCAT_HOME/server/lib, which
are visible only to Tomcat,
(4) All the JARs in your WEB-INF/lib, which are
visible only to your app,
(5) All the .class files in your WEB-INF/classes,
which are visible only to your app.

That's it.

If your Web app needs a JAR, put it in the WEB-INF/lib
and you should be all set. - MOD

My page (which is running with a security manager, i.e, -security) is
getting the following error (partial stack trace):

       at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

I found that common/lib/servlet-api.jar contains this class, and if I
manually add it to the classpath (by editing, my page will
then work.  According to the note above, all jars on common/lib should
be automatically available to my pages.  I haven't touched

Any idea why this jar is not being picked up automatically out of
common/lib?  Thanks.

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