Actually, that's not quite correct. From $CATALINA_HOME/RELEASE_NOTES:

-------------------- JAVAC leaking memory: --------------------

The Java compiler leaks memory each time a class is compiled. Web applications
containing hundreds of JSP files may as a result trigger out of memory errors
once a significant number of pages have been accessed. The memory can only be
freed by stopping Tomcat and then restarting it.

The JSP command line compiler (JSPC) can also be used to precompile the JSPs.

Note: This issue has been fixed in Sun JDK 1.4.x.

Seth Ladd wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Philipp Taprogge wrote:
| Hi!
| I don't know if this applies to your webapp, but there is an issue with
| the java compiler having a memory leak which can lead to OOM errors when
| tomcat has to compile many jsps over and over. A remidy for this is
| either to use jikes instead of javac entirely or to set the fork
| attribute of the default servlet to true, thus loosing some speed but
| preventing the leak.

Thanks very much!  This very well could be it.  I'll look into how to
set fork to true.

I'll let you know what we experience,
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