I am using context-param to set global variables for my servlets,
but my servlets are still not seeing them (the value is showing up as
null).  Here is an example:


And the code snippet using the param:

oamFileProps.load(config.getInitParameter("bw.client.configDir") +
                    System.getProperty("file.separator") +

And the exception being generated:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: null\SystemPref.properties (The system
cannot find the path specified)

I'm not sure why this is coming up as null.  Or should this be defined as
<init-param> for the servlets?  This could be a problem because there are
dozens and dozens of servlets using these parameters, and which ones those
are I don't know (I'm not part of the programming team for this, just the
sysadmin trying to deploy it all).  Again, this value was defined as a
global init parameter in the older JServ properties file.

-- Brett
Those who have had no share in the good fortunes of the mighty
Often have a share in their misfortunes.
                -- Bertolt Brecht, "The Caucasian Chalk Circle"

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