Hi!  I've got Tomat 4.1 .29 and Tomcat 5.0.18 up and running on a Windows
2000 server to test a webapp we're developing as well as learn some of the
environmental "issues" that might impact our app when we deploy it in
production environments.

Currently, we use ant to build a war file that is then used to install the
webapp via the Tomcat Manager web interface.    We upload the war directly
with the Manager and it deploys the webapp.    Then I stop the webapp and
update web.xml to configure some data sources and some servlet mappings and
restart Tomcat and the webapp.  I'm working with Tomcat 4.1.29 when doing
this.   That works fine and my webapp runs just fine.   Now, when I make
changes to the webapp that I need to get installed, I'm not sure how to
"upgrade" (effectively) the running webapp.   I've been removing it and
re-deploying it but that results in the web.xml changes being lost.

I can't guarantee ant will be installed on the target server, so I'm trying
to develop an installation and upgrade process that doesn't involve ant.
When we install our webapp in a production environment, we'll most likely
have a pre-built war on a CD that we install from.

I've been reading a TON of great info on re-deploying webapps but they all
seem to involve running ant to handle the re-deployment.    Will I be
"forced" to use ant or is there another way to 'upgrade' or "re-deploy" an
existing running webapp?

I will be working on procedures for Tomcat 4.1.29 and Tomcat 5.0.18 as I
think they handle re-deployment differently, but I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance for your time and help.



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