Is there any reason that HttpJspBase.service() is final, apart from to make my life hard?

I'm trying to implement a _simple_ security system that intercepts requests before they get to _jspService() so that if certain conditions aren't met, a redirect occours instead. I don't want to use filters or anything like that if I can avoid it because I want it to be simple to use and I want the restrictions to be set in the page itself with the @page info= directive

Another thing that comes to mind, is that I assume that since service() simply calls _jspService(), can a browser not perform a HEAD request to a jsp page?

I don't particularly want to use a customised version of tomcat, even if the only difference is removing one "final"... is there another way to get around this limitation?


"He likes to run, And then the thing with the.. person.. ... Oh boy, that monkey is going to pay."

[ Josh 'G' McDonald ] -- [ Pirion Systems, Brisbane]

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