
I have been trying to use SSI in Tomcat. It seems that work perfectly but only using 
relative path.

If I change isVirtualWebappRelative = 0 in order to use absolute path from root 
context, SSI don't work. When I use absolute path I only could include content from 
the same folder.

My case is 



Using relative path I can insert content in folder1/index.shtml with:
    <!--#include virtual="test.shtml" -->

Using absolute path I can insert content in folder1/index.shtml with:
    <!--#include virtual="/folder1/test.shtml" -->

In theory, using absolute path I should be able to charge content in 
/folder1.index.shtml from other context like that:
    <!--#include virtual="/folder2/test.shtml" -->

But this does not works.

Anybody knows why? Any suggestions?

Ferran Orsola

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