
I am writing an application in which I use classloaders to load different
groups of plugins.
Basically what I am doing is:

  protected Class findClass( String className )
    throws ClassNotFoundException
    if ( className.startsWith( "com.companyname." ) )
      return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( className );
    byte classData[] = getTypeFromBasePath( className );
    if ( classData == null )
      throw new ClassNotFoundException();
    return defineClass( className, classData, 0, classData.length );

  private byte[] getTypeFromBasePath( String typeName )
    return Utils.readFile( classPath + typeName.replace( '.',
File.separatorChar ) + ".class" );

Now, I have problems an obvious problem with jar-files. [I have already
posted this before.]
[Actually I do not understand this problem, since it worked well with
tomcat4.0.6, but thats another problem. Still any hints are wellcome...]

What I would like to do is get rid of the getTypeFromBasePath-method. I
would prefer to let the parent classloader do this part and only do the
defineClass myself.

What I am doing right now seems to be bad practice event to me. But what
would be good practice?
The once thing I want to archive is that I want to load these classes with
different classloaders to be able to reload them during the lifetime of my

Can anyone give me any hint?


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