Hi Justin

I've tried what you suggest and it works great for me too. Thank you for your help.

If I browse to /manager I do get the directory listing but if I browse to /manager/list for example the manager application works fine. I've seen this same directory listing before. I'm going to try a new tomcat install and try again.

Thanks you for your reply; I'm still playing with this and I'll let you know if I make any further progress.


Justin Johnson wrote:

I just did the same thing, though with more success.  In build.xml, I set
app.path to "/", and app.name to "ROOT", then adjusted the deploy task to
your first try.  On deployment, ROOT.war is copied to [tomcat]/webapps and
expanded into ROOT (I changed the target depends to "dist" from "compile").
Everything's there, and it browses normally.

However, now the manager app doesn't work, instead simply showing the
directory listing for server/webapps/manager.  Admin still works correctly.
Any idea?


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Watters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Deploying to ROOT problem

I'm using the deployer via an ant task to deploy my application. I am using deployer 5.0.18 on windows and deploying to tomcat 5.0.18 on both windows and linux. The following works fine

   <deploy url="${server.url}/manager"
           update="true" />

I also need to deploy to root. I have tried both

   <deploy url="${server.url}/manager"
           update="true" />


   <deploy url="${server.url}/manager"
           update="true" />

The first option completes successfully but I can see no evidence of my application being unpacked; browsing to '/' doesn't show my application. The second option also completes successfully and this time I see the application unpacked under webapps/ROOT; browsing to '/' doesn't help but browsing to '/ROOT/' shows that my appplication is there.

Does anybody know how to deploy to root using the deployer please? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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