Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning. This
area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows based
on your application, servers and expectations from user end. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts 
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.  
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap 
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around 
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.

My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my 
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts 
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the 
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.



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