Could someone please help and explain to stupid me?

I'm developing using ant deploying/undeploying a lot at the moment and I want to have access to my MySql connectionpool that I've registerd as a GlobalNamingResource in server.xml. The problem is that I can't access it ("Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'") when the app I'm working on is not registered as a Context in server.xml but rather deplyed with the Manager webb application.

I've also registered an exact copy of the resource with the /examples context to verify that the connection parameters and the java code is ok. So that's not the problem. (but accessing the "global" resource didn't work there ither...)

In the web.xml for the app I'm developing I have the resource-ref set up like:

and the Resource under GlobalNamingResources is named "jdbc/mysql_tdb".

Question: Is what I'm trying even possible, or do I *have* to put the app I'm developing as a Context in server.xml?

Thanks for any pointers!

Apache Tomcat/4.1.24

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