The Tomcat FAQ has a cautionary note about the invoker servlet:

> call http://localhost:8080/web_app_context/servlet/<servlet_name>

That *should* work, assuming <servlet_name> is the fully qualified name of
the servlet you are trying to invoke. (And assuming everything else is
correct, too.)

> I do not wish to change the web apps WEB.XML
> file just for testing.

Registering and mapping servlets in the deployment descriptor is correct
thing. A servlet is not much use if you do not at least register it - that
allows you to forward requests to it from other servlets. Mapping is
optional: it allows you to invoke the servlet with a URL, which is what a
browser does.

> Is there a simple way to test a servlet, where
> I can create a servlet, put it someplace and call
> it via a standard URL??

Register a servlet, and call it (say) "Test":


Then specify a convenient mapping:


That allows you to invoke MyNewServlet with just '/test' in the URL.

When you want to test another servlet, just replace the fully qualified name
'' to that of the newer servlet.

Good luck..

Harry Mantheakis
London, UK

> I don't understand the invoker servlet. I understand that you have to
> uncomment it from the default web.xml file (did that). BUT, If I create a
> servlet and put it "web_app_context/WEB-INF/classes", then
> call http://localhost:8080/web_app_context/servlet/<servlet_name> WHY does
> that not work?? I simply want to test a servlet - I do not wish to change
> the web apps WEB.XML file just for testing. Is there a simple way to test a
> servlet, where I can create a servlet, put it someplace and call it via a
> standard URL??
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