
> I know this is probably a stupid question to ask
> "can tomcat serve up the competition's ASP pages
> written in VBScript" but I have a good reason to
> ask it. I am trying to repair a damaged IIS server
> on NT4  and it is turning out to be a real pain. I
> have already installed tomcat on the server and it
> works just great. All future CGI stuff on this box
> will be written in JSP.But for the moment there is
> a bunch of ASP scripts that I want to run via
> Tomcat.
> Now I do know that IIS and Tomcat can work
> together but to be honest I just want to dump IIS
> completely and do everything with tomcat.
> So back to my question, can tomcat serve up ASP
> pages written in VBSCript?

At he moment Tomcat only supports JSP. You can put Tomcat as a service, use
the filter in IIS (isapi_redir.dll) and IIS will serve ASP code and Tomcat
the JSP one. Once all you code has been ported to JSP you can thrown IIS and
use just Tomcat.

BTW, I'm using it this way in OpenBSD v2.7 and Mac OS 9 ... it was a no pain
installation, and smooth running (the Mac OS 9 is for my notepad Apple
PowerBook, and OpenBSD for my home server: an Intel Pentium 133 Mhz/80 MB

Víctor A. Rodríguez ( http://www.bit-man.com.ar) 
Telefónica de Argentina - http://www.Telefonica.com.ar 
Tel. (54-11) 4333-7305 - Fax: (54-11) 4303-5586 int. 1680 

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