Hi and thanks for your response!

Shapira, Yoav wrote:
These are private support classes of the Servlet API.  They're still
present, but they're file-private inner classes and thus no in the
JavaDoc (intentionally).

I thought so, that's why I asked.

 The class name you're quoting for them is
wrong, by the way: it's javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet$NoBodyResponse
and javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet$NoBodyOutputStream.

That explains it. As I said, I just quoted them from several newsgroup postings I stumbled across.

Your second guess is also wrong, and I wouldn't normally mention this
but it's significant: there's nothing tomcat-specific (or specific to
any server) in the javax.servlet classes.

It would by all means be bad practice and I would never imply that the tomcat developers worked that way, but since HttpServletResponse is not final, it could hypothetically be extended by a third party inside the same package. I just thought I might have accidently discovered a "sin of the past" ;-)
Thanks for your clarification.


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