I am going to ask a quick question along the catalina.base:  
1. Does it matter as to the directory structure of where the base is
The reason that I am asking, is that I am attempting to understand the
install that was done by someone else and then more importantly make sure
this is working. Oh and at the same time understand the servlet function.

For example:
                803Base   <This is the base>

-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Warren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:44 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: CATALINA_BASE in jwsdp

I think I have found something to do with it.

in jwsdp-shared/bin/launcher.xml there is a line as follows:
<sysproperty key="catalina.base" value="${jwsdp.home}"/>

This line is surprising to say the least! It seems to be actively ignoring 
the CATALINA_BASE variable!

and in fact if I hard-code the value here with my CATALINA_BASE directory 
it all starts to work.
Now does anyone know what I should put here so that it picks up the 
CATALINA_BASE environment variable?
I tried the following which didn't work:

<sysproperty key="catalina.base" value="${CATALINA_BASE}"/> - doesn't work.

Lastly does anyone know why this happens in the Java web Services 
Development Pack unlike the normal Tomcat distribution, which I have read 
in several places does not have the same problem? There must be a reason, 
which is worrying me....


On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 13:55:13 +0100, Malcolm Warren 

> I have a very recent Java Web Services installation and Tomcat 5 is 
> bundled with it.
> I have a problem that I see has been met with by others using jwsdp, and 
> not solved.
> I would like to be able to run multiple Tomcat instances.
> So I have tried to create a new directory for my web applications and I 
> try to start tomcat 5 using the CATALINA_BASE environment variable. 
> Unfortunately jwsdp completely ignores CATALINA_BASE. I see that others 
> have only been able to solve the problem by downloading Tomcat 
> separately, and the problem has gone away.
> Does anyone know what to do about this? I'd like to stay with Tomcat 
> inside Java Web Services.
> The script in catalina.sh calls jwsdp. Does anyone know who maintains 
> jwsdp? I've sent an email to Sun, but is there anyone at Jakarta who can 
> be contacted? As far as I know jakarta has nothing to do with it, but 
> you never know.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Malcolm Warren
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