I've upgraded my jdk to 1.3.0_02. tomcat crashing problem has been solved.

Regarding the jdbc driver, can someone suggest me what kind of a driver I
need to get to support concurrent access. and where I can get it.

Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Layman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: trouble in starting tomcat

        First, try starting tomcat with bin\tomcat run (note the parameter
run) - this will start in the same window and will keep the error on screen.

        Second, the cause of your crashes is the JDBC-OBDC bridge.  This
component is not thread safe.  As soon as the second concurrent access is
attempted, a crash occurs.  You must either serialize your requests
(completely, you can only have one connection object at a time) or find
another way to access your data.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adilakshmi Lingam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 3:58 PM
Subject: trouble in starting tomcat

I've been using tomcat 3.2.1 successfully on win2k with jdk1.2.2. I was
having frequent tomcat crashes fromt the time I started having jdbc-odbc
connectivity in my servlets. I was thinking of changing my JVM to avoud the
crashes. and Now before I made any changes, the tomcat doesn't start at all.
or maybe I should say, it crashes immediately(I just get the glimpse of the
What to do?

Thanks in advance,

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