
IMHO your options in this issue are:

1. Use Tyrex (Dead project, so you're on your own when you run into problems)
2. Use JOTM from Objectweb (that code is not really maintained nor in a good shape either. current project lead agreed on the mailing list, that it's probably a good idea to rewrite and several people who have run into problems have come to the same conclusion)
3. Use JBoss (Almost certainly the best-supported but that means you have to learn how to set up tomcat to run within JBoss, the complexity of which others should judge as I have not tried it)
4. Buy a commercial solution as the one by atomikos (rather strange licensing model IMHO)

The right choice depends on what kind of project you do (critical commercial or less critical e.g. university project). I would recommend against 1 which I've been doing myself and it's not really worth the trouble. 2 is rather easy to set up and OK if it works for you (as I mentioned quite a few people including myself have run into some issues but a lot of others as I understand use it in production with success). I guess 3 would probably be the safest route but might be a bit of a learning curve in the beginning. 4 I have not used but if you don't know exactly how many concurrent TXs you will have the license may become very expensive.

Hope this helps,


Freddy Villalba Arias wrote:

Hello everybody,

I've been going up and down DBCP's (and Tomcat's) homesite and haven't
found the answer to this:

Does Tomcat support (and manage) JTA?

I know there is Tyrex, which provides this support, but I don't want to
use it. From what I've read, it's somewhat obsolete, replaced by DBCP.
I'm currently using DBCP.

On the top of that, from what I've understood from reading Sun's JTA
specs (yes, I'm a newbie to JTA), one thing is to provide the JTA
connectivity support (which is provided by the JDBC driver), and a
different one to support JTA management (this is transaction management
and so...), which is responsibility of the container (Servlet container
/ App. Server). Am I right?

Will appreciate any help you can provide.

Thanks in advance.



-- ________________________ Robert Krüger Signal7 GmbH Brüder Knauss Str. 79 64285 Darmstadt Germany

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