Hi all,

I will shortly be writing a book for Sams Publishing in a similar format to
the recently released(and well received) book on Python.

I currently have the task of writing a proposal for content of the book. The
book's target audience is web developers who will be using Tomcat. It will
be based on Tomcat 4.0, but will also be useful for Tomcat 3.x.

I am e-mailing this list to ask for serious suggestions for sections of the
book. From installation through configuration to deploying custom

Any help would be appreciated and would benefit everyone as this book is
meant to be for you people.

If any Tomcat User Group(TUG) members wish to write user documentation for
Tomcat (The 'paths' that have been discussed) then drop me an e-mail and
maybe we can help each other.


Adam Fowler
Second year Computer Science undergraduate
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Carroll College, WI, USA(2000-2001)
web: http://gucciboy.dyndns.org/aff9
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"

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