What are you using to make the PDF content slip into the wire?

If you are using a "Writer" you get from response.getWriter(), you may have interest in trying to use the "OutputStream", as in response.getOutputStream().

This is what the description of the getWriter method says: Returns a print writer for writing formatted text responses. The MIME type of the response will be modified, if necessary, to reflect the character encoding used, through the /charset=.../ property. This means that the content type must be set before calling this method.

So don't use it for binary things...

Antonio Fiol

seiji takegata wrote:

Hi Veniamin,
Thank you for your reply.

What it means "character is not encoded correctly"? If PDF content is unreadable, then that's PDF file problem, not Tomcat. Is this PDF opens correctly by itself, i.e. when you open it through Adobe Reader?
Anyway, just do response.setContentType("application/pdf") and let browser open it accordingly.

I tried. Then Japanese characters are all dimed (converted to randome characters like noise).

Because itext asumes Japanese character as Shift_JIS encoded, but Tomcat default is UTF-8, so I have to specify pageEncoding attribute in page directive.

I can see PDF content is correct when I save it as a file and
open with Adobe Reader.

My point is why tomcat put charset option to contentType when I specify pageEncoding attribute. I might write code to generate
image from String, then the content should not be attributed
like "charset=Shift_JIS". but still I need to specify pageEncoding attribute for correct character encoding.

I just want tomcat to stop adding charset option when pageEncoding attribute is specified.

Am I wrong?

seiji takegata wrote:

I'm trying to generate PDF document directory from JSP using itext library. I have an encoding problem.

I put pageEncoding and contentType attributes in page directive as:

<%@ page contentType="application/pdf"%>
<%@ page pageEncoding="Shift_JIS"%>

Then tomcat (or jasper) translates them like:


IE will not open AdobeReader, show download dialog instead.

If I do not specify pageEncoding, then the line above will be:


AdobeReader opens as I expect. But character is not encoded correctory.

I wonder why "charset=Shift_JIS" is added to contentType string.
I want remove it from the contentType string, or remove whole the line. I think I can specify contentType by


seiji takegata

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