On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:32:38PM +0200, C. Kukulies wrote:
> Can someone give me an advice which way to go WRT to using a 
> tomcat/apache combo on a Unix (not Linux) system?
> There are so many options, jk, jk2, tomcat 3-4-5, apache 1.3, apache2.
> worker.properties worker2.properties, jk2.properties in tomcat/conf,
> mod_jk.conf in etc/apache, mod_jk, mod_jk2.
> Then I see constructs in brackets [] in worker.properties and without these.
> What is workers.host=jsp-hostname? Is it an IP host? Or is it some placeholder
> which must be in workers.list?

Thanks to all. After a short excursion into trying to build the
connector-current from CVS (someone noted that the standard src tar ball
doesn't include all sources necessary to do the ant build) build also
fell over on this even with a checked out tree of jakarta-tomcat-connectors.

But, ok, this is in flux but it would be nice if that would be buildable
also sooner or later. (I'm using jdk1.4.2, FWIW).

I managed now to get a working combo of apache-1.3_29 and tomcat-5.0.19
with the mod_jk connector working.

Crucial for my servlet mapping was to create an appropriate web.xml file
in the deply directory under webapps/servelts/WEB-INF.

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kuku_at_physik.rwth-aachen.de

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