As I understand it, the RemoteAddrValve works on the address 
of the client (browser) not of the webserver.

I'm not using mod_jk. Back in the old days of mod_jserv
there was a property ApJServSecretKey to protect a jserv 
instance from unauthorized access. I'm not shure if this 
feature survived in one way or another.

One solution would be to limit the access to the tomcat port 
by a software firewall.

BTW (On which os are you working ?)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Krause Karin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 2:36 PM
> Subject: RemoteAddrValve and mod_jk
> Apache Web Server on a separate host, Tomcat 4.1.27 on another host.
> I use mod_jk 1.2.5 to connect from Apache to Tomcat.
> I wish to make sure that only requests from a specific Apache 
> Server can connect to Tomcat.
> I thought that the RemoteAddrValve can be used to check, from 
> which machine the request
> comes to Tomcat. It works fine if I use http (without 
> Apache/mod_jk). If I use it together with Apache/mod_jk,
> the remoteAddr received by the RemoteAddrValve is always "localhost". 
> So my question is, how can I assure that the mod_jk request 
> comes from my specific Apache host and not from
> another Apache. Is there another way to do it (eventually in 
> the configuration of the CoyoteConnector)

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