ariel wrote:

2) Is it possible to limit the amount of rolled logged files as it can be done in the log4j ?

I am not sure, if there is already an implementation available, nor if tomcat provides one.

But some time ago i have written a simple class which is able to act as replacement for the tomcat loggers and a bridge to commons-logging - and from there to log4j. (phu, what a long way for a log-message ;-))

-- Mario


import org.apache.catalina.logger.LoggerBase;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class Logger extends LoggerBase
   private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog("Tomcat");

   public void log(Exception ex, String message)
       log.fatal(message, ex);

   public void log(String message, Throwable throwable)
       log.fatal(message, throwable);

   public void log(String message, int level)
       log(message, null, level);

   public void log(String message, Throwable throwable, int level)
       if (this.verbosity < verbosity)

       if (level == FATAL)
           log.fatal(message, throwable);
       else if (level == ERROR)
           log.error(message, throwable);
       else if (level == WARNING)
           log.warn(message, throwable);
       else if (level == INFORMATION)
 , throwable);
       else if (level == DEBUG)
           log.debug(message, throwable);
 , throwable);

   public void log(String message)

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