On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 03:09:26PM -0400, Tom Miller wrote:
: Does any one have any information on system tunning for 
: Tomcat 5.x running on Linux (redhat).  We have 2Gig of RAM on 
: the systems.  This is what we see from top when no one hit 
: the website.   Tomcat doesn't seem to release the used of the 
: memory.  We have to restart tomcat otherwise it will take a 
: very long time to response to any request.  After we restart 
: tomcat the memory will start from 560455K used and going up 
: from there.

0/ check your logs to see whether there are any informative messages
   when this happens.

1/ enable verbose gc, to see how much is gc'd and when.

2/ load-test and profile the app (preferably, in a separate environment)
   to see whether the issue is load-induced, and find out what's

3/ try the various gc algorithms available in JDK 1.4, once you've
   tried #1 and #2



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