Which Linux platform are do you install, because with RH 7.3 you can see many proccess (almost 40 proccess) with ps -auxw --forest | grep java and i've installed to test the same environmet and using the same command to review the java proccess and i've saw only one...my conclusion is the kernel of redhat 7.3 not manage the threads like version Rh 8 or 9... remenber i've installed apache 1.3.24 and tomcat 4.0.3

Sheng Huang wrote:

Hi Bob,

Some process may be child processes of the Tomcat processes. For example,
Tomcat may have a process for a specific jar in the /lib directory. You can
tell this by examining process id. The "root" tomcat process id will have
ppid=1, where others will have ppid = pid of the "root" process. If you kill
the root process, all child processes of this process will be terminated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: May 17, 2004 5:05 PM
Subject: Why 41 processes with Tomcat under Linux

I just installed TC 5.0.19 under Linux and I find that it causes 41 Tomcat processes to be launched. Why is this? How can I control the number of processes that are created? Is this to be expected?

I naively expected only one Tomcat process.  There is absolutely no load on
server, it just initally generates 41 Tomcat processes.


===== --Bob White-- home:727-490-7363, cell:727-463-6061 New (popup free!) photos of Polina: http://polina.70kg.com/

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