In response to Mel Martinez...

Basically what I am trying to do is build a web counter that is session
aware.  I want to write a log file with request page, referring page, date,
time, user agent and session id.
I am currently using apache to sent all requests to my servlet with

RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*) http://win2k:9090/servlet/redirect?To=/$2 [R,L]

so my servlet gets the parameter To and knows what page the user requested.
There are only two problems with my implementation so far (aside from the
fact I have not started the session tracking) first is serving the page to
the visitor.  I have managed this with requestdispatcher but that caused the
second problem tomcat does not then rewrite the links.

I just tried
but that does not work with my rewrite rule as the page is redirected back
to the servlet.  I was informed that this would not happen with

I am about to look in to the servlet mapping, but would that allow me to
preserve the identity of the requested page like the apache rewrite rule

Could I possibly use HttpUtils() getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest req) to do
what I am after?  Failing that I am thinking of manually opening the file
and writing it out to the visitor - would that work??

The other option I can think of is to turn all the HTML pages in to JSP and
have the JSP collect the information (request page, referring page, date,
time, user agent and session id) and send it to a servlet - would that be a
better way of doing it?

Thanks for any help



Michael Tickle
Computing Science
Dept. of Computation

ICQ 5252 8934
Mob: 0777 968 5548
Fax: 0870 705 8382

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