Hello all,

Around here we install webapps in non standard locations from the command line.
We do this by creating an .xml that contains all that tomcat (ver 4.1.27) needs to know about a new context and then do:

get --http-user="admin" --http-passwd="*****" -O- \ http://localhost:8080/manager/install?config=file:/data/myapp/conf/myapp.xml

This installs the context just fine, everything works.

Just one problem remains. The new context is not added to the server.xml. I need to get in to a browser, log on to the admin application, and then press "commit changes". If I don't do that Tomcat forgets all about the new context after the next restart.

How do I get around this? Basically what I need is a procedure to deploy webapps, that can be performed entirely from the command line (on a unix server) and that allows me the freedom to place the *.war file wharever I want on the file system.



Krist van Besien                                       Bern, Switzerland

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