I am intending to run in a fully internet exposed
environment and I only have ONE physical machine to
use for deployment.  It will be directly connected to
the internet at co-location service provider.  So ...

In a conversation from yesterday, it appears another
user had a similar question.  How to run on port 80,

Is it possible to run tomcat with a non-priviliged
user?  What is this JSVC approach they referred to,
and what is the solution that was given?  Where can I
go to read more?

OK, I've been running tomcat behind apache for ages,
>> >now I want to go with Yoav's oft-stated advice to
>> >use tomcat (5.0.24) alone.  And I want it on port
>> >
>> >So, I try to use the jsvc approach, telling it to
go to
>> >the nonprivileged tomcat user by (from the tomcat
>> >
>> >./bin/jsvc -Djava.endorsed.dirs=./common/endorsed
>>./bin/bootstrap.jar \
>> >         -outfile ./logs/catalina.out -errfile
./logs/catalina.err \
>> >         org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
-user tomcat
>> >
>> >However, that chokes as follows, as it apparently
can't use port
>> >80 as I'm wanting it to.
>> >
>> >I'm sure this must be trivial, but all help would
>> >appreciated!

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