On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 06:09:46PM -0400, Victor Goldberg, Ph.D. wrote:
: My problem is that there
: is something in its configuration that is not allowing me access any other
: web sites, Google.  When I try to access other sites, all I get is the
: default Tomcat home page.  What I want is to be able to access any web
: address, in addition to Tomcat's.

Sounds more like a browser setup problem, not a Tomcat problem:

- is your browser set to look for a proxy on the same port as Tomcat
  (IIRC, default is 8000 or 8080, same as some proxy servers)

- any personal firewall s/w running, such as ZoneAlarm or BlackIce?

- If you stop Tomcat, does the problem go away?

Tomcat simply binds to a port when it starts; it doesn't intercept
outbound web requests.


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